CMP101.D04 Article 6 and the VCM Although the Paris Agreement does not have the mandate to regulate the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM), Article 6 nevertheless have broad and significant implications for it. The connection between the two are complex and evolving as both spheres continue to develop. How does Article 6 affect the VCM… Continue reading CMP101 – Module D04
CMP101.D03 Countries’ Strategies on Article 6 Article 6 is part of the Paris Agreement and is designed to help countries achieve their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and/or raise climate ambition. But this is easier said than done: Article 6 is a complex topic with many opportunities and challenges. How should countries engage with Article… Continue reading CMP101 – Module D03
CMP101.C64 VCM Category: Transportation Transport is the second biggest source of global emissions and faces special challenges when it comes to decarbonisation. Although great gains have been made in recent years, especially in Electric Vehicles (EVs), we need to rapidly shift to low-carbon travel options and adopt more efficient technologies. What solutions exist and… Continue reading CMP101 – Module C64
CMP101.C63 VCM Category: Waste Disposal Waste may not be a glamorous topic, but it is a huge source of global pollution and GHG emissions, especially methane. How to better manage and dispose our waste is a big problem. What are the solutions in this space and how do they work in the VCM? Click… Continue reading CMP101 – Module C63
CMP101.C62 VCM Category: Energy Efficiency and Fuel Switching Energy Efficiency is the low-hanging fruit of climate solutions – they are some of the quickest and most cost-effective things we can do to reduce emissions, energy cost and improve energy security. What are some of these solutions and how to they work in the VCM?… Continue reading CMP101 – Module C62
CMP101.C61 VCM Category: Chemical Processes and Industrial Manufacturing Our current industry and manufacturing processes are carbon intensive and responsible for a quarter of global emissions. But there are many solutions to be explored and adopted across the variety of products and processes. Which ones are active in the VCM and how do they work?… Continue reading CMP101 – Module C61
CMP101.C60 VCM Category: Household and Community Devices Many communities around the world still face daily challenges when it comes to accessing clean energy for cooking, lighting and water sanitation. Solutions in this category in the VCM address these problems, which can reduce emissions and bring additional benefits. What are these solutions and how do… Continue reading CMP101 – Module C60
CMP101.C50 VCM Category: Renewable Energy Energy lies at the heart of the climate challenge and Renewable Energy has a huge role to play in the transition away from traditional fossil fuels. The category is also the second largest category (by trade volume) in the VCM. What different Renewable Energy solutions are there, and how… Continue reading CMP101 – Module C50
CMP101.C40 VCM Category: Agriculture Agriculture changed human history and had a significant impact on people and planet. Unfortunately, the system that feeds us is also a significant emitter of GHG, in particular methane and nitrous oxide. What solutions are there to reduce these emissions, how do they work in the VCM and what are… Continue reading CMP101 – Module C40
CMP101.C30 VCM Category: Forestry and Land Use Forestry and land use category is the largest source of nature-based solutions (NBS) in the VCM. The solutions here span different ecosystems and geographies: forests, wetlands, coasts, farms and cities. What do these solutions look like, why are they important and what is the role for carbon… Continue reading CMP101 – Module C30